Creating meaningful insights

Our world is the world of data. We collect raw data, transform it into useful information and pass it on to you in the form of valuable insights. Based on our work, you work more efficiently, you improve your services to citizens and companies, and you no longer make important decisions based on gut feeling. That is a big promise that we at Digireg keep every day. Do you also see data as an important fuel for your government or company? Or have you yet to be convinced? With our expertise and experience, we help you develop into a data-driven organization.

We leave no question unanswered

How many buildings are there within our county or municipality?
How can we make smart savings on the management of public space or rise fair revenue of our taxes?
In which district(s) should we invest for economic value?
Which location is most suitable for what type of development?
How do we deal with climate adaptation within the next 10 years?
How do we fully map out all our utilities?

Sometimes you have a question that you may not know has the answer locked inside data. In other words: in a smart combination of administrative and location data we will find your answer. By combining and analysing data from different sources, we arrive at the answer you are looking for. The more challenging your question, the more enthusiastic our data specialists. With data engineering and data science they create the insights that help you further.

Our vision: integrality

Our roots are in spatial planning. That largely explains why we do business the way we do it. And also act differently than other data engineers. Spatial planning and area development require a broad view of matters and an integral look at data. Zoning plans are created by viewing, analysing and combining many different information. Since 2013, we have successfully applied this integrated approach to registrations within Europe for all kinds of government data such as land use, taxing, land registry, spatial planning, agricultural, addressing, healthcare, etc.

Our promise: quality

We dare to say that we can achieve more with our integrated approach. The result is that you will get the capability to become data driven and have the possibility to gain insights that can change your vision and therefor society. This quality translates into better service provision for citizens and entrepreneurs. They are better assisted ‘at the counters’, because the data you exchange is up-to-date, correct and complete. This also ensures cost savings in other departments within your organization. In addition you serve your customer or community in a better way which values all.

Our standard: Depth

The answer to your question often lies on the surface. We ensure that you comply with your legal obligations and we bring in all our data engineering knowledge that we gained from our worldwide projects. But it doesn't stop there for us. Where others stop, at Digireg we dig further to get the most out of date for you. This is our added value. We go deeper, so that with our advice you can lay a solid foundation for the choices you have to make.

Our Projects


Data engineering

Spatial planning