Area of expertise
Data engineering
Getting the right data flowing in the right direction
Detailed mapping
We use a combination of aerial, satellite imagery both true ortho and oblique; street view and lidar to generate highly detalied data of a location or landscape. We call this an object registration map. Object registration is the most detailed and accurate view of a given landscape with roads, fields, buildings, trees, fences, infrastructure, cadastral, utilities & more intergrated as a single product. This saves time and money. Digireg create Object registration Map at a very high resolution of 5-20cm depending on client needs. Object registration map can also be enriched with personal data sets for instance land title ownership data as well as address system for buildings. Creation of digital twin at a high resoulution have many applications in mining, oil & gas, defence and intelligence, meteorology, oceanography, fishing, agriculture, biodiversity conservation, forestry, landscape, geology, cartography, regional planning, education, intelligence and warfare.

Artificial Intelligence GIS
AI GIS is a combination of AI technology with various GIS functions, including spatial dataprocessing and analysis algorithms. There has been a massive increase in big data creation and computational power if systems. However traditional GIS relies heavily on computational power which is not completely efficient when money and time is considered. Combination of GIS and AI has open very promising posibilites especially to the infrastructure and utility world. AI GIS has improved efficieny on the following;
- Data creation
- Data cleaning
- Asset recognition in images
At Digireg we created AI for identification and mapping of buildings as well as identifying errors at a high accuracy thereby reducing time for such an exercise.

GIS Analysis
One of the most powerful parts of a geographic information system is the ability to make geographic analyzes. By means of a GIS analysis you create new information or discover differences between your source files. Digireg employs smart GIS specialists who are able to analyze your data based on your specific question. At Digireg we value accuracy and precision therefore we employ a number of processing techniques and programs to delkiver accuracies or betwen 90-99%. We use FME extensively to clean our data.

Land Services
We offer a wide range surveys mainly land surveys, topographic surveys, control surveys and cadastral services. Digireg has qualified surveyors with extensive knowledge in Surveying.

Geo information: scripting & Training
Digireg offers a wide range of GIS training paths covering topics related to Geoinformation technology, Remote Sensing, Artificial Intelligence and web mapping both onsite and offsite.
Scripts for geo-ICT can make a world of difference for various applications. With the help of a script you can have your standard activities performed automatically, without this being detrimental to the quality. In addition, scripts allow complex and repetitive tasks to be completed in a shorter time, increasing productivity.
Writing a geo-processing script is specialist work, because we tailor the script to your specific situation. Digireg will provide a script that fits within your geo-ICT software and database structure. We build the scripts with various packages and in various programming languages.
For example, we are able to write scripts in Java, Python, .NET or PHP. We can also assist you with building scripts in FME. An example of this is the translation of data into various file formats, so that the same data can be accessed by multiple software packages. We are also able to write a tailor-made automation script for geo-ICT processes for you.
Digireg can advise you on the best script for your specific question and assist you in setting up an automated process.