Area of expertise
Spatial planning
New insights into the future with (geo) data
GIS based Spatial plan
Spatial planning provides an effective and productive projection of use of land in identifying where each land use activity should be and why. GIS mapping and monitoring urban areas, have become extremely popular as a modern innovative spatial decision support tool in processing and analysis of spatial patterns and its complexities.
We provide GIS based spatial planning services designed to support and provide a framework for integrating database management system both at the national and sub county level for our clients looking to capture data based on location for predicting, designing, implementing and discussing issues related to the need of planning. The decision makers and stakeholders in their participation are able to visualise, graphically analyse and interpret the data collected.
The services offered include
- National spatial plan
- County spatial plan
- Topographical and thematic mapping
- Spatial-temporal change detection mapping
- GIS based land information system
- Web GIS

Zonal Plans
People have needs that must be satisfied such as housing, business, administrative and education. Zonal plans therefore act as an important role in controlling these developments through articulating spatial location of various land uses using a set of legally enforceable policies and maps. The policies include type of use, building size, height, building location; and urban densities. We offer our planning expertise in designing zonal plans with the development regulations mandate available. We create maps that divide places into different zones based on the types of uses allowed such as residential, commercial, industrial, public buildings, parks and green areas. Each zone has its own ordinance governing development within that section. This is a useful framework for the property tax base and investors since it specifies appropriate location of projects for tax rent coordination and construction permits. The services offered include
- Change of use
- Extension of use
- Subdivision
- Amalgamation
- Regularisation
- Action Area plans

Urban Design
Using our team of professionals and many years of practise in the field of urban design, we offer our unique service in conceiving and creating an artistical and skilful plan using 3D software such as YOLO. This software is able to give a vivid picture of how the future plan of a place looks like and predict how it can look like in the future.
We engage the public decision makers and other professionals from the field of architecture, planning and urban designers making our team produce values of all that applicable urban design should pursue meant for multiple clients.

Planning Framework
Over time our team of professionals within and outside the country have studied planning frameworks and identified gaps that exists and how it can be addressed. Together with the government, parastals, NGO’s and the people we offer our service in providing a framework that is bottom-up approach as opposed to the top-down approach.
In consultation with various stakeholders, we create an improved and implementable Planning framework hence giving them more power in terms of consultation and deliberation.